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SEND and Inclusion

Bankside Primary School has an inclusive ethos and works in partnership with families and other agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes. We have high expectations of all our children and put support in place at the earliest possible stage where needed.

Special education needs (SEN) provision is overseen and managed by the senior leadership team and co-ordinated by the SEN co-ordinator (SENCO). Senior leaders monitor, review and evaluate SEN provision on a regular basis, reporting to the governing body on how individual needs are met and how SEN funding is being spent.

All our children are treated as individuals and the class teacher, alongside other support staff, plan an appropriately differentiated curriculum

We have staff with specific skills to meet individual children’s needs and provide them with one-to-one support to access the curriculum and to develop their independence. Our team includes:

  • Nurture support worker; for children with additional needs to ensure high quality teaching and learning with effective support and resource. Clear plans are put in place and reviewed regularly. Key assessments are then made to ensure children are on track to meet targets, new targets are set if necessary. Progress and plans are regularly reviewed and evaluated to inform next steps.Parent and carers are vital partners in their child’s journey through school and are invited to be part of review meetings of their child’s progress. These may be done during or in addition to parent’s evenings. Where children have more complex needs, parents will be invited to annual reviews which may involve other professionals. For children in Nursery these reviews are held each term. Parents can request a meeting with the SENCO when they want one.The school building is fully accessible for wheelchair users with a lift in the building and ramps where needed. There is a disabled toilet on each floor and a first aid room. There is a care suite on the top floor. Accessibility is considered with all building alterations.
  • Family Support Workers;
  • School Nurse;
  • staff trained by our Chatter-bug Speech and Language Therapist to deliver a variety of programs to help children with speech language and communication needs.
  • staff with specific skills in Autism, Deaf and Hearing Impaired and also SEMH
  • We worked closely with the North East Area Inclusion Partnership.


We access support from other agencies where necessary, including CAMHS Child Development Centre, Occupational Health Service, Physiotherapy Service, Speech and Language Therapy Service and Social Care Team. We have a partnership with Barca-Leeds. We also have links with Local Authority services such as School Improvement, Educational Psychologists, Parent Partnership and Complex Needs Team.

More information is available in our SEN Policy.

Frequently asked questions

What should I do if I think my child may have special needs?

Parents should contact our SENCO – Amy Sharp, on 0113 3368383. A meeting will be arranged in school which may involve other professionals if necessary.

How will you support my child?

Appropriate provision will be put in place for your child depending on their need. The progress of the provision will be discussed regularly with you and reviewed regularly by the class teacher. Support and advice is available from the SENCO.

How will I know how well my child is doing and how will you help me support my child learning?

At parents’ evenings there will be opportunities for parents and carers to discuss their child’s progress. The SENCO is available on these evenings to support parents and carers with any concerns, especially around supporting children further at home.

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

We pride ourselves on having a caring and supportive ethos and a high skilled Inclusion and Family Support team. All support put in place is based around identified needs. We run nurture groups in different year groups. Children with more complex needs are part of social groups within school where they take part in cooking, games and other activities.

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

Parents are encouraged to access expertise and services via the SENCO. It may be a referral to targeted cluster support such as counselling, TAMHS, play therapy, Family Support. It may be a referral to Complex Needs Team, Speech and Language Therapy, STARS team (Autism), Educational Psychology. We recognise the importance of early diagnosis and intervention and have close links with the Early Years Team who are able to support children and parents in our Nursery. We have a school nurse on site that is available to train staff when children have medical issues and can link with many other support agencies.

What training have staff supporting children with SEN received?

All staff have had Autism training level 1. SENCO has had level 3 Autism Awareness training. Some staff have had level 2 training. Staff working with specific children have had the following training; speech and language, Intensive Interaction, supporting children with early communication issues,  picture exchange card (PECs), intensive interaction, multi-sensory, deaf and hearing impaired, BSL, Makaton, Phonics, Every Child a Reader. The teaching staff have had Dyslexia awareness training. Support staff have had precision teaching training.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?

We aim for our children to access all activities and trips enjoyed by their peers. Parents and carers may be involved in planning of activities to ensure safety and inclusion wherever possible. Most children with Complex Needs will attract additional funding and this will be used where possible to employ staff 1-1 to promote independence, but also support with inclusion at all times.

How accessible is the school?

The school has lift and ramps where they are needed. There are disabled toilets on both floors of the building. There is a purpose built first aid room. Children who need additional specific equipment and facilities will have their needs met to the best of our ability sometimes through an application of additional funding.

How are the school resources allocated and matched to the children’s SEN needs?

The school is funded on a national formula per pupil. Blocks of £6,000 are allocated depending on the number of children who meet the criteria and who are on the schools inclusion register. The school can apply for a top-up, based on strict criteria, if it is felt that a child’s needs are above that which can be provided through the £6,000 block. The school uses the additional funds to put appropriate support in place to meet the specific needs of a child. This may take the form of a key worker to support the child to access a personalised timetable, develop independence and access all areas of the curriculum.

How are parents involved in the school and how can I be involved?

Our parent governors are a link between school and parents. Parents are invited to Bankside Parent Council, which meets every half term. Parents are kept informed about teaching and other events through regular newsletters, text messages, open evenings and open days. The school holds. Parents are invited into the school for regular information sessions, weekly sharing assemblies, other celebration assemblies and various performances and concerts throughout the year. The school children’s centre offers support groups and training for parents.

How will the school help children and young people transfer to the next phase of education?

We engage with families’ pre-birth through our Bankside from Birth project. The project enables pregnant mothers and families to engage with services and support as early as possible and is run by a member of our Early Years staff. We run weekly play sessions at school for pre-nursery children and their families to become familiar with school and the staff. Transition visits, parents’ meetings and staggered entry allow a smooth transition into Early Years and Reception Class. Transition to high school is co-ordinated by the Year 6 Transition Leader in School. In addition to usual transition arrangement where necessary children with SEN will receive more transition time and support.

Who can I contact for further information?

  • To apply for a place: the school office
  • To discuss your child: your class teacher
  • For information about other support services: Amy Sharp (SENCO), Shuhana Hussain (Deputy Childrens Centre Manager), Hayley Walker (Child Protection Lead)
  • For information about the local authority’s local offer: Nasima Ali.